Fully healthy or has a defect, this will enable you to see our descriptions and photos. Part is used but is in Good Working Condition. Please check items before signing for them. Please be patient and you will receive you item! Our goal is to provide our customers with a 100% satisfaction Guarantee. We take care that the item are properly packed in a securely sent to, Before taking the part make sure that the product is healthy. Photos, which proves damage! Notify us within 7 days of receiving the goods. For parts or not working? PLEASE NOTE: all dispatched items are being marked to avoid dishonest buyers – marking has to be not damaged when returning. You need to notify us within 7 days of receiving the goods. Before purchasing the item, the customer MUST verify that the item will fit the said vehicle. After you have received your item in satisfactory condition, please leave us feedback. Our main interestis helping you, our customer and providing the best service possible.